I'm Soeren.
//IDK why but when i add titles it creates an empty in front of it
I’m a 20y VFX student based in Germany, Ludwigsburg.
I also do coding, photographing as a hobby. Since I was young I liked to create things and tell stories.
What did I do so far?
IT & 3D Interships
Filmakademie BW
Coding Stuff
3D Animation Stuff
High School
About this website
This website is build using Hugo.
Styling was made with Sass. For lightweight youtube embeding lite-youtube-embed was used.
The rest is plain HTML, CSS and JS written by me. The source code is available on github. It is also hosted there, THANKS!
The design was inspirered by some sites: seanhalpin.xyz studio.blender.org janreeh.com minestone.me