For art class, we were asked to create a work on the theme ‘Together we are strong’. The medium wasn’t specified. Because of my experience with Blender, I thought about creating a 3D animated short film.
The short film is about two robots. At the beginning you only see a blue one (symbol for a man). He wakes up and discovers a silver sphere. On the way to it he has a flashback, how he meets a purple (symbol for a woman) robot. As the movie progresses, it turns out that this purple robot was once hit by a huge ball and the two were separated. The blue one continues on its journey and shoots away many balls until it comes across a big one. This one he cannot push away. He is about to be crushed when the purple robot appears with many white ones and together they save the blue one.
Roboter Creation
At the beginning it was clear, the project should be about robots, but I was not sure how they should look. To find out, I made a few sketches and also modeled a few test models in Blender.
Story Creation
At “1:38”, a very large collection of robots is approaching the sphere. I simulated the whole thing with Blender and the “Molecular-Addon”. It was important to me to show the large masses of robots.
This scene is not directly in the movie, however the explosion is: “1:53”. For the implementation of the explosion I used the real-time simulation program EmberGen and imported it as an OpenVDB into Blender.